Sonntag, 15. März 2009

Are you suffering from conference sleepiness?

You are at the 35th annual meeting of the German Society of Traffic Medicine in Goslar.
How prone are you to doze off or fall asleep in one of the following situations?
Please evaluate yourself on a scale from 0 (not likely) to 3 (very probable), and add all your points.
  1. During your journey to Goslar with a train departing from Heidelberg main station at 5.47 a.m.
  2. During the welcome speech of the meeting president, Prof. Dr. Whatshisname (or something like that)
  3. At the lunch buffet
  4. While the big band of the local high school is playing
  5. During the speech of the honorary guest, the German Minister for the Environment, about, uhm, something related to the environment I guess...
  6. In the youth hostel’s TV room after the conference dinner with buffet and free drinks
  7. During your city shopping trip combined with a guided tour of Goslar’s oldest church and an organ concert
  8. During the 4th presentation in the session “Day sleepiness and driving a vehicle” with the title “wide awake behind the wheel”
We appreciate your participation in this survey!


0-9 points:

You show surprisingly few signs of meeting sleepiness. Either you are new or highly motivated, you have one or more presentations, you are one of the lovely persons in charge of organization, reception or the wardrobe, your were a tiny bit too generous with your morning coffee dose or had too many refills during the coffee breaks, or you accidentally mistook your amphetamines for vitamines.

10-12 points:

You suffer from borderline meeting sleepiness. You are in constant ambiguity between forced wakeful politeness with the necessary fake interest and the standby mode your brain wants to be shut down to. Talk with your competent colleagues about your conference sleepiness, and maybe there’s a workshop you can all participate in.

13-24 points:

What the heck are you doing on a meeting?! You desperately need some sleep! Go to bed DIRECTLY, do not detour for a quick look at the buffet, and don’t even think of confusing speakers by eventually snoring during their presentations. Do not consider attending another meeting until your meeting sleepiness has been successfully treated. Stop wasting your department’s traveling funds.

Similarities to the AAA questionnaire about day sleepiness are pure coincidence. And one of the pictures was, of course, just a pose and not taken spontaneously.

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